Umami Burgers at Home

Wagyu Patties, Stilton, Umami Powder (ground shitake, kombu, & bonito flakes), drizzled with Port reduction (a cup of 2007 Graham’s reduced to two tablespoons). With the 2001 Paloma Merlot. Yum.


Sounds good but seems like a waste of 200 year old port.

Oops - fixed! Fat fingers. (But I did want something I’d want to drink after.)

How is that 01 Paloma holding up?


I thought it was fantastic. A friend gave it to me a few years ago, so it was my only bottle, but couldn’t have been much happier with it. It did not seem to be near its end yet. Serious cherry fruit.

Is this something you made yourself, or is it a commercial product?

Not Frank but I think he is talking about this…

and this too

all based of of this…

Adding the Parmesan fricco kicks it up even more.


That’s what I figured. I always have all three on hand (well, the shitakes are whole), but just wondered. Thanks!


I look at Umami Burger as being a philosophical concept, not a particular recipe.


Flannery Custom Blend : 25% each Prime Chuck, Prime Sirloin, Short Ribs, Prime Hangar. Sous vide starting at 140, dropping to setting to 130 upon immersion. A couple hours. Pepper and bottarga salt. Sear hard, flip, top the seared side w/ umami powder. Lay on a slice of … American Cheese (TJ’s organic.) Totally about texture on that.

Pretzel roll griddled w/ butter used to slow cook onions w/ star anise. (Heston Blumenthal trick to up umami.)

Bottom roll with a thin smear of hoisin, then the onions, then bacon. (Would not use the onions as just the butter is enough.) Burger. Put a parmesan frico on top of the burger/cheese.

Truffle salt fries.


That is a really great burger wine. I suppose that’s fitting since it sounds like a really great burger. We had the same Paloma a while back with 01 Shafer HSS and 01 Phelps Insignia and it held its own.

I considered doing something like that but was concerned it might clash with the Stilton.

That looks like a fine burger you made. The star anise contributes umami to the onions?

Must say that I 100% prefer using brioche rolls to any other - I like the buttery yet still neutral taste and the texture that never gets in the way of eating the burger.