Sorry to be short, busy day.
But pickings are thin here if you don’t want domestic wines. You can find some pretty good domestic stuff intermittently, but as roger and Hank said, not too much on the burg, or for that matter good import realm. This isn’t meant to sound snobby, but it may, I suspect I buy 2% of my wine locally. Too much good stuff available in LA or SF readily available and easily ship able. If u want to pick up a couple blles to drink you will succeed with these places below, but if u r going to look for deals or really cool stores, you will be better served spending time taking hikes, riding bikes and or golfing.
Pricing here can be prohibitive, but occas domestics are well priced.
A few places I’d rec:
Time market. Intelligent selection. Some really neat things for AZ. Also good beers. Great lunch place
Plaza has very good beer. Haven’t bought wine front hem in over a decade. Their wine selection I think is poor or at least not aligned with my pref’s
Run runner can be good, but nothing exciting typically. You can find some wines to drink for sure. Can have good cheese
AJs grocery. Has Dave Partain (WB)he is a smart passionate guy and can find something good for you there.
Feast can have some interesting stuff.
Total wine and bev mo same as everywhere else
Tucson and AZ in general are tough co Sumer markets. 3 tier system. Not a great food wine culture, few quality distributors, not great availability, and readily available other options. There are a few people trying hard on the wine front. They are doing great considering the statewide handicap.
Sorry to seem glum, but not a lot going on here.
You will find few bargains here, unless u r looking for some domestic wines that you may be lucky with
Enjoy the weather here!