Transition From Smoking to Non-Smoking

Congrats guys!
Bad news for you though…I started drinkig a lot more French wines after I quit smoking. The KBs of the world though still appealing on a day where bourbon would be, are no longer what I want to drink on a daily basis. Too much of a good thing, now that I can smell and taste lol

So…can we finally get some fine Burgundy in that store??! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

[rofl.gif] [rofl.gif]

Actually, I think we have 2 or 3. We just don’t talk about them because we don’t know how to pronounce the screwy names.

Again, drink more Maison Ilan

Why do you hate people?

Hate is such a strong word

Lay’s Barbecue chips do taste like dried BBQ sauce instead of red salt. If that’s an improvement. Carrie ate the Doritos Nacho Cheese chips so fast I didn’t get any, but she can’t describe any flavors.

Rivers Marie Pinot tastes as good or better than I ever remember. Yum!

Dan, BYOB (Bring Your Own Burgundy) [stirthepothal.gif]

It’s been an exciting adventure to revisit wines we’ve loved and some we still do and others are “WTF were we thinking?” the adventure continues [cheers.gif]

I remember shifting away from the “big reds” for a period of time after quitting smoking and drinking more white wines. Eventually my palate shifted back after I got used to things…but there was definitely a part of wines I was missing because my palate was so torched as a smoker. I think you’ll get and understand wines with subtle nuances more now if your experience is anything like mine. Just give yourself some time and a little patience.

Kirk, what’s kind of funny/odd is I would notice some spice or flavor in a wine neither Carrie nor the wine rep would notice when they were showing the wines. Later, when we researched the winemaker’s notes, they were describing the spice or flavor I noticed. I think some of those winemakers were smokers.

BYOMagnums which I still have Carrie…

2014 Kanzler Family Vineyard Sonoma Coast P/N. Carrie tests it and says it’s fine, so I pour. My first three sips were chemical/alcohol weirdness and it burns on the way down. Try chewing the wine, swishing etc., and some fruit shakes out so it is now black cherry/chemical/alcohol. Notice I also have no sense of smell tonight. After 30 or 40 minutes either the wine or my taste buds settle in and it’s the wine I remember and enjoy.

Revelation or musing? Tar on taste buds from cigarettes conceal high alcohol levels AND the high alcohol levels are required to remove tar slowly from the taste buds. It may be the taste buds opened up versus the wine opening up.

For the second time we opened a daily drinker and thought the wine was off, both being the only “bad” bottle we ever had from the producers.

your palate will be all over the place for around 12 weeks, or least that is what happened to me

Not just the taste buds, Randy, but there are all sorts of changes going on in your nose, throat and respiratory tract that will affect your sense of smell.

I’m waiting for a Kraft Mac and cheese TN.

Congratulations! I smoked for close to 30 years but never heavily - 3 packs a week usually. I quit about four years ago, and rarely miss it.

My palate has definitely changed since I quit smoking - until I saw your post, I had not given any thought regarding wine preferences being influenced by this. I did however note to myself, that the food starting tasting a lot better. I was never a fan of rich foods, but I used to be able to eat a lot more of it before quitting smoking than I can now.

After seeing your post and other replies, I think I can confidently say that my tastes have definitely changed. Part of it also is my evolution as a wine drinker, but generally, over the last three years, I have come to prefer a lighter bodied wine. I seldom enjoy wines with high ABV or highly extracted fruit, and I think part of the reason is that now I taste things in those wines that I did not before.

Congratulations again and I hope there are no relapses - took me three tries to finally kick the habit.


Believe it or not, it was better than I remember.

Tonight is a day short of 3 weeks. The 2015 Paul Hobbs RRV P/N we opened was spot on for both of us, so maybe we’ve settled in. A rep shows up and pours us a glass of Diora La Petite Grace P/N from Monterey. It tastes like coffee, (Syrah). Carrie checks to see if it’s the area of the Los Alturus vineyard from Belle Glos. Yes. Next door neighbors.

I think we are getting there.

Hahn SLH Piinot Noir is just stellar tonight.

From the salt and pepper thread a revelation: We have cheese and crackers with our wine and tonight the crackers tasted saltier than usual.

At almost 4 weeks, wine seems to have settled in for the most part and we are enjoying the wines we liked even more.

Food is becoming an issue now. More flavor both good and bad while salt is being identified as an over used ingredient. Sorry, Kraft Mac & Cheese with a couple slices of American Cheese slices and bacon bits tastes better than ever. [wink.gif]

Carrie makes a chicken piccata that was always good and now is stellar. She makes a rice with sauteed onions, roasted garlic, smoked paprika and oregano with a chicken base that is so complimentary to, yet so different from the chicken piccata you can’t stop eating it.