Tramier Musigny?

Saw some 2004 for sale recently…has anyone had this wine before? Web seems devoid of notes or references…seems like they have a small area in Musigny and some CdV as well…

Hi Adam,
since I´m presently deeply involved with Musigny in general - preparing a comprehensive Musigny GC-tasting in december - here is my state of knewledge:
as far as I´m concerned the maison L.Tramier is a negociant based in Mercurey. Their homepage states:

“Louis Tramier … created his own wine business in 1842. He chose to establish his activity in Mercurey … Over the generations his descendants have been eager to expand and improve the family estate with prestigious parcels of Musigny, Clos de Vougeot and other well known Burgundy names.”

However I have not the slightest indication that they OWN any vines in Musigny - at least not yet, and IMHO there is absolutely no possiblity to own any ´cause I have a list of all 13 proprietors whose acreage sums up (with addition of 3 other proprietors whose land seems to be unplanted) to the full surface of 10.8555 ha.

What I can imagine is that they purchased now and then a barrel or several - and bottled it under their name.
However I couldn´t even source a single bottle Musigny GC in the web labelled TRAMIER !?!?

I would be thankful for a link if anybody knows of one.
