TNS: Selosse VO, Vilmart 01 Coeur, 00 Jacquesson Avize, 07 Rousseau GC

On New Year’s Day in Paris, Sharon Bowman joined my wife and I for some bubbly and a burg to ring in 2010.

As an aside, the movie Amelie rocks.

2001 Vilmart Coeur de Cuvee
As mentioned in my visit to Vilmart, this wine is singing. So exotic, layered and rich, chock full of class. If there is a God, he likes this wine. A lot.

Selosse VO
Stark contrast to the Vilmart, very hearty, full bodied and oxidative. This wine is packed and stacked. Marvelous, thanks to Sharon for sharing. We sat at the bar in our loft’s kitchen drinking this and the Vilmart, and there was definitely a sense of awe and mystique while drinking these two wines.

2000 Jacquesson Avize BdB
Came off as sweet compared to the prior two wines, though I’m not sure that’s a reflection of the wine so much as its company. Some brioche and a nice creamy streak to the fruit. Very young.

2007 Rousseau Gevrey Chambertin
Clean and pure red fruits, though as with the Jacquesson, it seemed just a touch sweet on this occasion, almost cola-ey. The cola note didnt dominate and there was a lot to like. The finish seems to step above the Village designation and the distinct minerality keeps it interesting.

Wow. Jacquesson 1996 was the wine that seduced me into vintage Champagne, and we enjoyed a 2000 Vilmart (Cellier d’Or, I believe) on NYE. Wonderful notes, though I agree that it sounds like the Jacquesson is young and will shed any sweet edges with a few years.

Evan - I loved the 96 Avize, beautiful wine. I’ve read it’s peaked elsewhere, but I have no bottles left to verify…

The 2000 should round out as you mention, I didnt even check to see when it was disgorged which might have been a small key.

Nice way to enjoy the day after. If the V&C CdC and Selosse VO were the the “hair of the dog”, it must’ve been a heck of a dog bite. Hope Sharon is doing well.