Has anyone had this recently?
Curious to know as well. I found this ‘locally’ and I may just purchase their lone bottle.
It has been 2-3 years ago that I took part in a very comprehensive vertical with Laurent Ponsot. The 2003 took my breath away and it was shortly after release. The 1999 was a stellar bottling as well and the next vintage which really captivated my attention was the 1985. I would love to try the 1999 again, but would be my house it is a gorgeous youngster today, with a decade of aging.
Thanks Roy!. I’ve heard many great things about the 85. I hope to try it someday.
Guess we’ll never know…
Roy, you didn’t find the 03 to be a little jammy and overripe? I had the 03 late last year and it was great, but had a little stewed character.
Prem knows.
I don’t think the original poster will be back.
I drink the 99 Ponsot Griotte Chambertin last night. Thought that wine rocked. Very rich and ripe.
No, at that time, right around the moment it was first coming to the USA, it was a delicious and extremely well balanced Burg with stunning acidity and promise for many years of drinking enjoyment, best left in cellar though for a solid 5-8 years (at a minimum). To reiterate, this is the 2003 version though, not the 1999 which was already drinking really well, albeit still young. We had others in between, but it was not until the 1985, where I really felt the wine showed some maturity and was at a place that I would prefer to drink the Ponsot Clos de la Roche, if given the chance to be picky.