TN: Vouette et Sorbée Saignée de Sorbée and Fidele

Working through a backlog of grower juice - such hard work :slight_smile:

TN: Fidèle - rated A- and I like this much better than the Saignée de Sorbée below! Not as unique certainly but it rocks!

Based on the 2009 vintage.

A rich yellow color with a tinge of orange. Lots of small bubbles initially, unlike the Saignée de Sorbée below, but after about an hour it is closer to a still wine - that is not a complaint or shortcoming for this wine!

The nose is minerals, clean clear apple, and chalk. A simply wonderful nose! Cherry with air.

Palate is full bodied with strawberries, cherries, ripe and bold apples, some tropical fruits, perhaps kiwis. Stupendous!

TN: Saignée de Sorbée - rated B+ although it is so wild I’m not sure how to rate this! A unique wine.

Based on the 2009 vintage.
I was not expecting such a rich, red, mahogany color!

Very little carbonation.

The nose initially was apple cider, almost apple cider mulled with spices. With air, minerals, chalk, and strawberries among other red fruits emerged.

The palate was spicy and intense with ripe apples and a nice core of sweet mouth puckering yet dry red fruits. Others have written “game and tobacco” and I can understand that although my notes do not include those descriptors.

Full writeup: Vouette&Sorbee

I’ve got one more Vouette&Sorbee to go - if I can find it in my mess of wines

Love the Fidele (working my way through a case of the '10 base), the other two, not so much.

On the other hand the Saignee Rose and the Argile are my favorites. While I like the Fidele it’s a distant third.

But you have to get out of a Champagne mindset to enjoy the Rose as it doesn’t taste that much like Champagne. I’d be more likely to pair it with steak than anything lighter.

I’ve got an Argile somewhere - haven’t tried before but I will soon and report back.
It’s not here or I would be drinking it now :slight_smile: I looked!

Interesting to have such different opinions and wine is a personal thing.

Same is true of the Ulysse Collin rose, by the way.

Haven’t had the Ulysse Collin Rose, but doesn’t surprise me since this is what I wrote about the Blanc de blancs “A complexity and fullness more like a Dom Perignon Rose or La Grand Dame Rose than a typical BdB”

And the Beaufort.

I’d put the Laherte rosé on the same list.

And Larmandier Bernier. But I don’t really enjoy any of them. To each his own.

Haven’t run across the Beaufort Rose but I love his other wines.

The Laherte, well, is weird. Another “more wine than Champagne” I am not a 100% Pinot Meunier fan, fun for a glass certainly though. (my notes include “A most bizarre and unusual wine - glad to try it.” and and “This wine starts quite strange although pleasant and then gradually opens out and becomes more pleasurable.”)

Mixed on the Larmandier Bernier (notes include “Very vinous. More like a red Burgundy than a Champagne, perhaps a Volnay with a bit of Morgon Beaujolais (think dark fruit)”)

My note on the Laherte was: Tart cherry with a little citrus, round on the palate with nice acidity and a hint of tannin, it seems more like a wine that happens to be effervescent than a typical Champagne, which I mean as a compliment.

Aurelian Laherte seemed to appreciate that description.