TN: Vilmart, deutz

2008 Amour de Deutz Rose Champagne

Consistently my favorite rose. This is more like pink white champagne than some that are like bubbly burgundy. Crisp core of linear acidity, a bit of lemon zest on the nose, and super focus. Great.

2009 Vilmart Coeur de Cuvee

2nd bottle of 6. This was drinking better than the last one but would still benefit from time. Opulent, yet lithe. This was superb after an hour in glass.

We’re in perfect alignment. The '08 Deutz Amour Rosé blew me away too. Last Spring I opened a half bottle I had ordered from Envoyer in 2018 for about $60. I immediately ordered a couple of full bottles, at a significantly inflated price compared to the first purchase.
I first opened a 2009 Vilmart CdC in late 2019. It was grumpy and acerbic, unlike almost every other 2009 Champagne I’ve opened. Fortunately, a friend’s bottle this past October was fantastic, but still made me think I should wait a while before uncorking those with abandon.

Yeah, I think my cost on the 750 of deutz was around 150/btl., not cheap.

I’m a big deutz fan. Massively underrated champagne house imho. Coincidentally, I saw an offer on that 08 amour rose just yesterday for £120 all in. Couldn’t pull the trigger at that level though.

I like some Deutz bottlings a lot and others not so much. The new single parcel Hommage bottlings are showing brilliantly so far, if still very young.

Would love to hear which bottlings you’re a fan of please! My experience with them is close to zero

In addition to the Hommage bottlings I just mentioned above, I like the Cuvee William Deutz, both the regular and the rose. And, of course, the old Vinotheque. The Amour de Deutz I like as well, but don’t pursue it as actively.

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Haven’t tried my hommage bottles yet but I’ve collected the cuvee willy in bottle and mags since the 88. In mags especially, they age really well. I’m not such a fan of the roses as they tend towards the copper/metallic profile with age but that is an issue I have with all roses really. Not sure why they’ve tried to establish the amour at a premium to the cuvee willy recently as it used to be the other way around,