TN: Two Older Cal-Itals...(short/boring)

Another two from the orphan stash:

  1. Denominazione di Origin Controlatta: Ca’del Solo Barbera Calif (13.5%; Vino Non Filterato; stampatore o’dell) 1990: Med.dark color w/ some browning; slight spicy/Barbera/earthy rather bretty/barnyardy slight burning metal interesting rustic/peasanty nose; quite tart rather bretty/barnyardy/unclean slight spicy/Barbera rather dusty/earthy flavor w/ light tangy tannins; med. fairly bretty/unclean/barnyardy slight spicy/Barbera quite earthy/dusty finish w/ light bitey tannins; some interesting things therein & speaks quietly of a tangy/peasanty Barbera but too unclean to drink. $16.00

  1. Noceto Sangio ShenandoahVlly/Calif (12.7%; 110 cs) Suzy & Jim Gullett/Plymouth 1990: Med.light color w/ slight bricking; quite earthy/dusty/rustic slight cranberry/cherry/Sangio bit grapefruity/burning metal/pungent slight cedary/oldRed interesting old Chianti-like nose; rather tart/tangy/metallic/grapefruity bit sour cherry/cranberry/Sangio light earthy/loamy/dusty/root cellar rather interesting not unpleasurable flavor w/ light drying tannins; long rather tart/tangy/grapefruity bit sout cherry/cranberry/Sangio finish w/ tight tangy/metallic/bitey tannins; some interesting old Sangio character therein but starting to dry out somewhat.

A wee BloodyPulpit:

  1. This was one of Randall’s early Ca’del Solo wines. The label is blatently Italian in nature and not sure how he got label approval for it. I seem to recall that the “stampatore o’dell” refers to the artist who did the label…but memory is a bit sketchy on that.

I think it’s impressive that the Noceto showed so well after 26 years.

Eggsactly my thought, Drew. Especially given the dreadful conditions of my orphan stash.
That afternoon, I went thru some 5-6 different Zins. All pretty much shot and not worth writing a TN.