TN: Two Grenaches...(short/boring)

Tried these two ystrday…with disappointing results:

  1. Erasmo Barbera Garnacha VinoTinto Valle del Maule/Chile (70% Barbera/30% Grenache; 14%) Francesco Marone Cinzano 2013: Very dark color; slight spicy/Barbera mostly blackberry/Syrah/plummy rather earthy/loamy/compost pile slight herbal nose; soft rather sour/earthy/loamy slight Barbera/spicy plummy/blackberry flavor w/ light tangy tannins; med. quite earthy/lomay/sour/composty some plummy/blackberry/Syrah finish w/ light sour/astringent tannins; lacks the high-toned notes of Barbera and shows lots of Chilean earthy/loamy/compost character; rather dull & rustic; no bargin at $15.00 (KK)

  1. BonnyDoon Clos de Gilroy Grenache MontereyCnty (75% Grenache/17% Syrah/8% Mourv; 14%; 61% AltaLoma/18% Ventana/13% AlamosCreek/8% DelBarba vnyds) SantaCruz 2013: Med.color; rather herbal/Monterey plummy/Grenache/bit strawberry bit earthy pleasant/simple nose; soft light plummy/Grenache/blackberry rather earthy/Monterey/loamy/herbal soft/soupy flavor w/ light soft/mushy tannins; med.short earthy/Monterey/herbal/loamy soft/underacid bit plummy/Grenache finish w/ light mushy tannins; speaks strongly of Monterey/herbal and little of the brightness of Grenache; a soft/soupy/frumpy rendition of Grenache that tastes like much of the stuff from SanBernarbe vnyd; overpriced at $13.50 (KK)

A wee BloodyPulpit:

  1. I have, of course, followed Randall’s Clos de Gilroy from the very start. Originally, it was made from very old-vine Grenache from down near Gilroy. It was a big dark plummy/spicy sort of Grenache. This soupy/gloppy expression of Grenache is dull as dishwater.
    Interesting & ecclectic selection of vnyds. AltaLoma is near ArroyoSecco just below the SantaLuciaHighlands. Ventana is smack-dab in the ArroyoSecco benchlands. AlamosCreek is just east of the town of SantaMaria, not too far from BienNacido. Del Barba is, I presume, the vnyd up in ContraCosta.
    The wine tasted like it came from the InDelicato’s vast SanBernarbe vnyd just south of KingCity, a vnyd that I can recall no really good wines.
    Randall has, and can do, better than this characticure of Clos du Gilroy.

I am just now seeing this.

First, thank you again, Tom, for the notes!

Second, I recall reading somewhere about the Erasmo Barbera/Grenache Blend and being very excited by the concept. Sorry that the reality didn’t match the expectations. The Maule Valley is producing more and more fascinating wines. I hate that your unpleasant wine may deter you from exploring the neat stuff emerging from the Chilean wine regions.

Lastly, I often read very positive reviews on the Bonny Soon Clos du Gilroy Grenache. I guess they can’t all be winners…