TN: Three BigTableFarms OR '21...(short/boring)

We tried these three Fri afternoon at Susan’s FW&S:

  1. BigTableFarm Chard Eola-Amity Hills/OR (13.4%; 92 cs; U/U; JuliaDarcy/Gaston/OR 2021: Med.light gold color; rather flinty/mineral fairly strong almondy/pure Chard/bit lemony brisk/steely slight pencilly/oak fairly fragrant nose; quite tart/tangy bit steely/brisk wirey/taut fairly stron Chard/almondy/lemony flavor; very long tart/lemony finish that mimics flavor; a bit leaner/brisk than #2.
    $48.00 (vJD)

  1. BigTableFarm Chard Yamhill-Carlton/OR (14.0%; 92 cs; U/U) 2021: Med.light gold color; slightly more rich/lush/ripe rather almondy/Chard/lemony/bit melony light pencilly/oak bit more fragrant nose; rather tart/tangy slightly richer/lusher more intense almondy/lemony/Chard fruit some pencilly/oak lovely flavorslightly longer brisk flavor that mimics flavor;
    $48.00 (vJD)

  1. BigTableFarm PinotNoir SunnysideVnyd/WillammetteVlly/OR (13.0%) 2021: Med.light color; very bright cherry/PN/black cherry light earthy/dusty bit Burgundian light pencilly/toasty/oak bit complex very attractive fragrant classic OR PN nose; rather tart/tangy bright/cherry/black cherry/PN light pencilly/Fr.oak bit earthy slight village RedBurg flavor w/ light tangy tannins; long cherry/PN finish that mimics flavor; a very attractive expression of OR PN. $nc (vJD)

More gittlespurt from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. Last week, I met on our SFWinos Facebook page, Julia Darcy. She lives half-time in SantaFe & half-time in the Willammette Vlly. Turns out she’s the Chard winemaker for BigTableFarms in Gaston. So we got together w/ JimStevens at Susan’s FW&S down in SantaFe last Fri afternoon to try some of the BTF wines.
    Both of the Chards were very stylistically similar but the Yamhill just a slight bit richer/lusher; both are classic svelte/brisk/wirey high-toned savory OR Chards much more European than Calif; both quite attractive Chards.
    I liked all three of these OR wines. There were well-crafted/balanced/brisk pretty classic OR wines w/ a light hand on the oak.