TN: Some New Calif Wines....(long/boring)

We tasted last night (3/14/18) some More New Wines:

  1. SaliniaWineCo Chard RRV (13%; Aged in Solera; sous-voile;; KevinKelly/SantaRosa NV
    : bronze color;
    slightly oxidized/flor yeast/nutty/slight mousey bit sherry-like/fresh straw some burnt oak/smokey/tobaccoy
    quite perfumed/aromatic exotic nose; bit soft rich/lush rather flor/nutty/bit oxidized slight tangy/metallic
    slight tobaccoy/pencilly/oak rather exotic flavor; very long/lingering soft rich/lush rather nutty/flor
    yeast/bit oxidized bit smokey/tobaccoy/oak slight tangy/metallic quite exotic finish; a slight nuttiness a
    bit like an amatillado sherry but not the alcoholic bite; a slight bit of oxidation but in a good way;
    a very exotic/very interesting white. $nc (BillJones)

  1. Vnyd Collection Substance SauvBlanc SunsetVnyd/Ancient Lakes of ColumbiaVlly (13%;
    Seattle 2015
    : Light gold color; rather SO2/reductive very strange stinky/pungent bit sewer gas/Kansas outhouse
    nose; rather tart rather funky/sewer gas/Kansas outhouse pungent flavor; very weird funky unpleasant wine;
    the next day a very slight herbal/SB/melony character started to peak thru all the funk; weird stuff.
    Costigan mystery wine.

  1. Ryme Amphora Aglianico Rose LunaMattaVnyd/PasoRobles (13.1%; 2010: Very light rose/golden/
    bit brown color; very fragrant strawberry/cherry no phenolic/resiny some pencilly rather spicy quite aromatic
    beautiful nose; bit soft interesting strawberry/cranberry/spicy/cardamon fairly rich/lush rather quiet/low-key
    fairly exotic flavor w/ no phenolic/resiny character; very long/lingeringsoft/rich/lush slight pencilly light
    spicy/cranberry/strawberry bit spicy/cardamon rather exotic finish w/ no tannic or phenolic bite; a really
    lovely aromatic nose but not as much impact on the palate; an atypical rose but quite an exotic lovely wine.

  1. Giornata rosso IlCampo PasoRobles RW (13.5%;; Sangio/Barbera/Aglianico) 2016: Med.dark
    color; strong bright cherry/Sangio/spicy quite attractive/fragrant nose; lightly tart bright cherry/spicy/bit
    plummy light earthy quite pleasant flavor w/ modest ripe tannins; long bright/cherry/plummy/spicy slight
    earthy finish w/ light tangy tannins; a quite interesting RW blend that speaks mostly of Sangio at a great
    price. $20.00

  1. Giornata Gemellaia Calif RW (25% Merlot/JimBlackVnyd, 25% Sangio/CrestonRidgeVnyd, 50% Merlot/MargaritaVnyd;
    14.5%) 2015
    : Med.dark color; strong grapey/Merlot bit minty light toasty/oak slight earthy nose; soft ripe/bit
    mushy grapey/Merlot light earthy slight minty bit simple flavor w/ light soft tannins; med.long soft rather
    grapey/Merlot/plummy slight earthy/minty finish w/ mdest ripe tannins; a pleasant enough expression of Merlot
    but just that; a bit simple/grapey; seems pricey at $45.00

  1. Giornata Sangiovese PasoRobles (13.8%) 2015: Med.dark color; strong bright/cherry/Sangio/quite spicy light
    toasty/oak slight earthy rather fragrant nose; lightly tart bright/cherry/Sangio/spicy light toasty/oak very
    slight brett flavor w/ light brisk tannins; fairly long rather tart/tangy bright/cherry/Sangio/spicy slight
    dried herbs finish w/ modest hard tannins; needs a few yrs of age; a quite attractive red that speaks strongly
    of Sangio. $30.00

  1. Giornata Barbera PasoRobles (13.3%) 2016: Dark color; strong Barbera/spicy/dried Italian herbs light earthy/dusty
    fairly classic Barbera nose; quite tart very spicy/Barbera/dried herbs light earthy flavor w/ modest brisk
    tannins; very long classic Barbera/spicy/dried herbs/Italian sausage slight earthy finish w/ modest tangy
    tannins; reminds a lot of the early Eberle Barberas w/o the oak; qute an attractive Calif rendition of Barbera
    at a very fair price. $25.00

  1. Giornata Nebbiolo LunaMataVnyd/PasoRobles (13.6%) 2014: Med.color; strong floral/lilacs/violets very fragrant/
    perfumed slight tarry light oak lovely perfumed nose; lightly tart very floral/violets/lilacs/bright/spicy
    very light oak slight earthy flavor w/ modest bitey/hard tannins; very long fairly floral/lilacs/Nebb/violets
    slight earthy/tarry/pungent rather tart/hard finish w/ some hard/astringent tannins; lots of lovely floral/
    lilacs/Nebb character but pretty hard on the palate; needs age. $45.00

  1. OrsiFamily Nebbiolo OrsiHomeRanch (13.8%; #168 of 276) 2014: Med.dark color; quite fragrant floral/Nebb/lilacs
    rather DCV/raspberry/Zin-like bit earthy/road tar/pungent nose; quite tart lightly floral/lilacs/Nebb fairly
    earthy bit raspberry rather hard/rough/rustic flavor w/ modest rough/crunchy tannins; med.long fairly tart
    some floral/Nebb/lilacs/raspberry bit earthy/pungent somewhat rough/coarse finish w/ some rough/astringent/
    chewey tannins; a rather coarse/rustic expression of Nebb. $36.00

  1. Giornata Aglianico FrenchCampVnyd/PasoRobles (13.9%) 2015: Med.dark color; fairly strong fragrant Aglianico/
    licorice/spicy/lush light toasty/oak bit floral slight rustic/earthy/Italianate nose; somewhat tart/tangy bit
    licorice/pungent/earthy/loamy slightly coarse light toasty/oak slight black cherry/Aglianico/licorice flavor
    w/ light coarse/rough tannins; long some licorice/pungent/rustic/Italianate/black cherry bit aerthy somewhat
    tart finish w/ light rough tannins; a pretty good example of Aglianico w/ a somewhat rough/rustic character.

  1. PolymathWine PetiteSirah Calistoga (13.4%) Savanna Wright/Failla 2013: Very dark/black color; very strong
    blackberry/boysenberry/PS/black cherry somewhat peppery/spicy light earthy light toasty/oak fairly aromatic
    nose; slightly tart strong blackberry/boysenberry/PS/spicy slight peppery/earthy light toasty/oak flavor w/
    light smooth/ripe tannins; very long spicy/PS/blackberry/blueberry/bit pepperry slight herbal/quite spicy finish
    w/ modest ripe tannins; doesn’t show the oafish side of PS; tannins starting to resolve but has the structure
    for another 3-6 yrs; quite an attractive rendition of PS. $19.00

  1. Terroir Coquerel PetiteSirah WalnutWashVnyd/Calistoga (14.8%; Clay & Brenda
    Cockerell/Napa 2013
    : Black color; very intense boysenberry/blackberry/huge fruit/PS/bit overripe some licorice/
    chocolaty bit toasty/oak nose; soft/rich/lush/fat huge PS fruit/boysenberry/licorice/chocolaty slight earthy
    some toasty/oak flavor w/ ample soft/ripe tannins; very long soft ripe/PS/boysenberry/licorice/chocolaty light
    toasty/oak finish w/ ample ripe tannins; shows a bit of the overripe/oafish side of PS but huge fruit;
    very reasonable price at $25.00 (KK)

More fussbots from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. Salinia: This is a wine made by KevinKelly, the winemaker for Lioco and the mind/behind NPA/Natural Process
    Alliance. Not a whole lot of info out there on the winemaking that went into it. I gather it was made
    sous-voile and blended & aged in a solera.
    In a thread that I posted to, this Salinia was mentioned. Bill Jones/Tuscon happened to notice it and,
    knowing my penchant for fringe wines, offered to send me a btl to try, gratis. That was this btl. This
    is one of the things that makes WB such a great Site, the generosity of so many people here. So thank you,
    Most of my tasters were a bit puzzled at first to try this wine. But as most of them, as they retasted
    it, grew to rather like the wine. Even Larry, the group’s curmudgeon, liked it. It ain’t your usual Chard.
    The oxidation level is rather modest, unlike some of the rancio wines, and not at all unpleasant. It is
    quite an exotic/interesting rendition of Chard. I wish more winemakers would try making sous-voile wines.
    You’d think those folks making natty wines would jump on-board.

  1. Polymath: This is the wine of Savannah Wright, asst winemaker at Failla. Makes only a tiny amount irregularly.

  1. Coquerel: New wnry for me. Founded in 2005 based on an old-vine/dry-farmed SauvBlanc vnyd north of Calistoga.
    Liked this enough that I’d like to try their other wines.

  1. Giornata: This is the Paso wnry of Brian & Steph Terrezzi. She is regarded as one of the best viticulturists
    in the Paso region. I have only tried a few of their wines, but the Nebb has always shown well at our NEB
    gatherings. So I ordered a mixed hlf case to get a better understanding of their wines. They live out in
    the Creston area of Paso atop a hill w/ a great pizza oven, befitting their focus on Italian varietals. Their
    vnyd (CrestonRidge) splays down the hillside from their house. Their AsstWinemaker is Dave McDonald, who I’ve
    known for quite some time from his days ate MissionWines in SouthPasadena.
    I pretty much liked this tableau of the Giornata wines. They are not of the typical Paso bombastic/very
    ripe character. They were all varietally correct. The showed a more restrained/balanced/quiet style like
    you find in TablasCreek. And the prices seemed very resonable given their quality. Good wines made by
    good people. I’ll try them again.


Tom - a $90 rose?

Even Larry, the group’s curmudgeon, liked it.

Hope Larry A. is doing well. Please say hello from Lynn and myself, though I doubt he remembers us.

Ha! That was literally what I was going to say.

That would have to be a really, REALLY impressive Rose if I’m going to spend anywhere near $90 on it

And no bully pulpit on the price!! [snort.gif]

FYI, the website for Salinia reports as expired.

Sounds interesting though. I hope to try one soon.

Well…isn’t that about the going price for a SQN rose??

In 2010, Ryan had a couple of clay amphorae crafted for him by a potter friend. He used them to make this
rose and a skin-contact Ribolla. He sold them as a pair in a wooden box for $180 the box. Something like only 20 boxes. I bought just one
box so I could try them. The RG was excellent along the lines of a Gravner. This rose was nice/interesting,
but just that. Usually, the Ryme wines are reasonably priced. But I never asked Ryan about the pricing on these
Amphora wines, so don’t know the rationale.

To use your Kansas expression, $hit!