TN: Sanchez Romate Sherry Vinegar NV....(short/boring)

Tried this vinegar last week w/ Susan:

  1. Sanchez Romate Sherry Vinegar (Matured in oak casks/Jerez; Acidity: 6.7 gms/litre; Dean&Deluca) NV: Very dark brown cloudy/murky color w/ lots of suspended sediment; powerful EA/volatile/acetic alcoholic bit old Sherry some complex nose that sears/burns the nostrils; very high alcoholic/EA/acetic/vinegar that burns/sears the palate w/ slight old Sherry flavor; very long very powerful acetic/EA finish that burns going down; a mind-blowing acidity and not a pleasure to taste; very painful & could only manage a few sips.

More truckledart from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. This was a gift from Stacey from her Dad’s cellar. We bought this vinegar from DarrellCorti back in the mid-'70’s and it was a spectacular sherry vinegar. It was originally closed by a plastic T-top cork. When I opened this btl; the plastic top came off. The cork was still intact but totally disintegrated when I tried to remove it. The btl had been stored on its side all these yrs and almost half of it had leaked away. The vinegar had a mind-blowing acidity, both in the nose and on the palate, that totally overwhelmed everything.
    I could manage only a few sips put it was extremely painful. It did some bad things in my stomach & I suffered from acid indigestion for the rest of the day.
    The purpose of adding vinegar to a dish/sauce is to add acidity. If it’s a good sherry vinegar, it also carries a bit of the sherry flavor to add compexity. Susan used it very sparingly & it didn’t seem to harm the dish. But I’m not sure this added anything other than the acidity.
    I’m not sure what to do w/ the remaining half btl. It’s too much of a relic to simply dump it down the drain. So it just presently sits on the counter emitting its volatility & contaminating the nearby wines.
    The current stuff: Sanchez Vinegar
    Ahhhh…the things I try for my wine sheep!!

Maybe it’s like maintaining a port barrel, that a tiny amount of good old stock goes a long way, but too much sticks out. Maybe try blending in a tiny amount to other vinegar, and see if it works in a similar way?

as an aside, I once ordered beef in balsamic vinegar in a rural restaurant in Emilia-Romagna. To be fair, that’s what it was, a decent chunk of beef, cooked and served in what is best described as a soup of balsamic vinegar. It was tasty / appetising, but the gurgling that resulted sounded like a steampunk soundtrack.

All this has is this painfully high volatile acidity/acetic acid character. Which is why you add vinegar to a dish.
I’m thinking I might buy a btl of cheap PX & blend it in and let it sit for a couple of months & see if I can get something salvageable.

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