TN: Ridge GrenacheBlanc '21....(short/boring)

Tried this last night for my white:

  1. Ridge GrenacheBlanc HalterRanch PasoRobles (13.4%; 24% Picpoul; 26 brls; bttld Aug 2022; Drk: 5/22-5/27:TG) 2021: color; attractive very fragrant/GB/floral/carnations liught chalky/perfumed talc bit spicy/nutmeg fairly perfumed nose; lightly tart/tangy/slight metallic some stron dloral/GB/carnations slight perfumed talc/chalky/earthy bit pencilly/oak bit simple flavor; med.long bit tangy finish that mimics flavor; a pleasant/pretty bit simple GB but just that; not showing a lot of evolution yet.

More likkleboot from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. Just a pretty/little GB that’s not showing much evolution. Not nearly the GB that the '22 is. Which is a blend of 3 different vnyds. And much more intense fruit.

Very much agree Tom. Had the '21 and '22 about a month apart recently and found the '22 to be a significant step up in quality, intensity, and interest.