TN: Once&Future PetiteSirah Palisades '22....(short/boring)

Tasted this last week at our Pig+Fig tasting:

  1. Once&Future PetiteSirah PalisadesVnyd/Calistoga/NapaVlly (15.1%; 49 yr old vines; 30% new Fr.oak; 150 cs; pH: 3.68, TA: 0.58%; Grower: Felicia Woytak & Steven Rasmussen) 2022: Very dark/near black color; very strong/intense PS/boysenberry/blackberry/bit peppery/very ripe strong toasty/Fr.oak rather rugged bit earthy lovely/intense PS nose; soft intense boysenberry/PS/blackberry/plummy bit licorice/peppery strong toasty/Fr.oak slight earthy/rustic mouthfilling flavor w/ ample ripe/rugged tannins; very long very ripe finish that mimics flavor; a pretty rugged/ripe expression of PS that needs much age to soften but loaded w/ ripe PS fruit. $55.00

More pirtleblick from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. The old Palisades PS vnyd is the source of some of the best PS made in Calif. I think Joel’s is maybe about the best, but I love what MikeOfficer does with it as well. They tend to be loaded w/ ripe PS fruit but maybe not the terroir/complexity you can get from YorkCreek.

thanks for the note - still working through some 2014’s of this which are in a nice drinking window, but nice to know if I want the full throttle experience, I can open a 22!

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Agreed! Checked in on a 14 last week and it’s drinking really well.

Just outstanding PS from a legend of a winemaker and one of the ‘Premiere Cru’ Vineyards for the variety. While this will probably be at peak in 5+ years, I’m still blown away by how approachable it is currently. Medium+ bodied and more blue fruited vs. Black with only a slightly tannic finish. Just gushing with acidity (especially for a PS) and flat out delicious. Hats off to the one and only Joel Peterson yet again!

Thanks for the reminder @mowen - I just realized I have some of these I just get started on!