TN: NV Jose Dhondt Champagne Blanc de Blancs

Popped and poured for Valentines Day, as it is the significant other’s favorite Champagne. On the nose, it is an amazing mix of french bread, toast, apple, pear, and caramel. On the palate, a great, intense, but perfectly balanced Champagne. Opens up with a huge amount of caramelized apple, pear, and yeast. Midpalate opens up to a huge bread component, a little almond, and carries forward some of the apple. Finishes with more bread and some searing acidity. Freaking amazing and well worth the $50 tariff. (94 Points)

Thanks for the TN. I am a big fan of Jose Dhondt but haven’t had one in awhile. I love the creamy texture they typically have combined with the yeast/baked bread profile. I don’t have any bottles in cellar currently so perhaps a search is in order.