TN: NV H. Billiot Fils Champagne Grand Cru Tradition Brut

  • NV H. Billiot Fils Champagne Grand Cru Tradition Brut - France, Champagne, Champagne Grand Cru (5/21/2024)
    September 2022 disgorgement, this was accompanied by a classy mixture of potato chips and pretzels. Gotta love salty snacks with Champagne. Overall palate feel was quite broad, but not at all sweet, despite the rather high (9 g/l) dosage. Overall it just felt full bodied, and so rather easy to drink. Plenty of ripe apple fruit on the palate, but still too early for more developed character. Given the dosage level I am inclined to age this one for a while to see where it goes.

This used to be one of my go-to’s. I haven’t bought in it quite a while but recently WHWC offered some pre-arrival at a price I couldn’t refuse. Looking for to a revisit. I always felt this delivered a very nice, straight forwardly tasty Champagne. Lots of times I really don’t really care about elegance with Champagne.

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They hit a rough patch for a few years with some less than easy transitions, but I was able to taste the range in 2019 (last big tasting for a long, long time) and saw that things were looking up. Snagged a few bottles for <$40 and it’s a very enjoyable Champagne. Made for a lovely afternoon on the patio when we were on vacation on Cape Cod earlier this week.


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while! Had to check on CT and yeah, it’s been ten years since I last had a sip of Billiot. Funny how some producers are popular at some point and then seemingly disappear for years.

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Probably 12 years or more between purchases for me.

I don’t recognize that label, new label? Is this different than the Brut Reserve?

It’s a different wine. It’s essentially the entry level wine for them.