TN: Millot, PYCM

2016 PYCM Santenay La Comme

My wife grabbed this from the wine fridge and it was a nearly perfect pairing with some birthday cake. Honeysuckle, lemon zest, and fresh cut hay on the nose, with a generous palate and medium acidity. No reduction. Long finish. Everyone really loved this.

2017 JM Millot Echezeaux

An early look, which proved to be great. This is young but has immense potential. Nordic fruits on the nose, with a lovely palate with great texture and surprising density. This was balanced and lovely. Super finish. My favorite type of wine, both intellectually interesting and very drinkable.

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Thanks for the Echezeaux note. I bought more than a few of those in 2017. I think that vintage was quite successful for Alix Mlt.