TN: Martin Estate 2004 Cab Reserve

Someone gave me four bottles of this and tried one six months ago…loved it then but wanted to try a second just in case I was high on something else at the time…

Was suggested to decant this one for a good two or three hours. Wow, a lot going on here. Chocolate, blackberries, big fruit coming through. Getting some tobacco and/or leather as well over the next hour. I’ve been drinking BDX’s quite a bit lately so took a bit of getting used to this style again. I felt it needed even more decant time to smooth things out although it was still a tasty pour to go along with some thick filets.

I’m new here but haven’t found any other comments on this winery which was previously unknown to me. Do like it but the price on the reserve @ $100 puts it in a very competitive price bracket with lots of options.