TN: Idlewild TheBee Flora&Fauna White '21....(short/boring)

Needed a white to use in my Peach/Apricot Mostardo, so cracked:

  1. Idlewild TheBee Flora&Fauna NorthCoast WW (11.9%; 40% Arneis/30% MuscatCanelli/10% Cortese/10% Erbaluce/10% Favorita; FoxHill & LostHills vnyds; Geyserville 2021: Light gold color; lovely very fragrant floral/R-like/Arneis/mango/pineapple slight mineral/earthy/chalky very attractive quite fragrant nose; fairly tart/tangy fairly rich strong floral/R-like/Arneis/mango light chalky/mineral/bit earthy quite lovely R-like lovely flavor; very long/lingering strong floral/Arneis/mango slight chalky/mineral finish; quite a lovely Arneis/R-like white at a great price. $30.00

More sisslewort from The BloodyPulpit:

  1. The Idlewild Flora&Fauna (white & red) are two no-brainer purchases for me every year. Lovely/lovely wines at a great price. Sam is killing it these days. Can hardly wait for his Timorasso.