TN: Four Older Calif Nebbs @ NEB#8...(short/boring)

Darrell Corti (and Greg Graziano) brought a few older Calif Nebbs:

  1. Montevina Nebbiolo ShenandoahVlly/AmadorCnty (12 1/2%) 1977: Light color w/ some bricking/browning;
    fairly fragrant pencilly/cedary/oldRed bit earthy/mushroomy no obvious Nebb quite complex nose; light
    rather pencilly/cedary/oldRed bit pungent/mushroomy complex flavor; med.long pungent/cedary/pencilly/
    oldRed finish w/ light bit gritty tannins; clearly a bit aged but still pretty interesting; a good
    aged Calif red but not obvious Nebb character.

  1. CortiBros Nebbiolo Reserve ShenandoahVlly/AmadorCnty (TW; Last harvest of 40 vines) P&B at
    MontevinaWnry/AmadorCnty 1980
    : Light some bricked color; very fragrant dried rose petal/floral/ethereal
    quite old B/B aromatic quite complex nose; soft light/delicate/dried rose petal/old Nebb smooth slight
    cedary/pencilly flavor w/ light delicate tannins; very long/lingering delicate/dried rose petal/old Nebb
    slight pencilly/pungent finish w/ light smooth tannins; not over-the-hill and very much resembles an
    old B/B; speaks of old Nebb.

  1. IlPodere dell’ Olivos Nebbiolo de LosAlamos SBC (TW) JimClendenen/SantaMaria 1988: Med.light color; very
    strong pencilly/cedary some dried rose petal/old Nebb quite complex beautiful perfumed nose; fairly tart
    very strong dried rose petal/old Nebb some cedary/pencilly smooth/velvety very complex flavor w/ slight
    bit chewey tannins; very long/lingering old Nebb/rose petal/slight pungent some cedary/pencilly complex
    finish; a beautiful complex old Nebb but a bit more oak influence; magnificant old bones.

  1. Enotria Nebbiolo 1999: Med.light color w/ some bricking; rather delicate cedary/pencilly light floral/
    violets/Nebb slight earthy/dusty fairly complex nose; lightly tart slight earthy/dusty light floral/
    lilacs/Nebb bit pungent/tar some cedary/pencilly flavor w/ light smooth tannins; long lightly flral/
    lilacs/Nebb some cedary/pencilly bit earthy/dusty/loamy some complex finish w/ light smooth tannins;
    speaks quietly of more youthful Nebb; quite a lovely old Nebb and still going strong.

And a wee BloodyPulpit:

  1. Montevina planted their first Nebbiolo in 1972 and produced their first wine in 1974. At that time,
    the only Nebbiolo clone available from FPS was what was known in Piemonte as Nebbiolo Rose. Those early
    Nebbs of Cary Gott spoke more of Amador Zin w/ only a hint of Nebb character.
    The IlPodere would have come from LouisLucas’s vnyd; one of the oldest Nebb vnyds in Calif.
    I believe that Grazi indicated that his Nebb came from the FoxHillVnyd, from which SamBilbro takes his

Got a (slightly blurry) photo of three of the four wines Tom mentioned.
neb 02a.jpg

Thanks for the notes Tom - have loved me a handful of Montevina zins from the 70’s over the past few years (still have quite a few in the cellar I scored on the cheap at auction) but have never tried/seen the Nebb. I’ll definitely keep my eyes peeled for one.

Nice notes Tom and it was great seeing and tasting with you, Ryan, Sam and Alex last Tuesday. We officially set the US record for most Timorasso evaluated in a single session :slight_smile:.

For sure that tasting showed what the Timorasso grape is capable of. Next time you are out this way be sure to PM me.


Some pretty amazing Timorassos. Will put up my TN’s in a day or two.
Great seeing you again.

Very cool tasting line-up, Tom!!!