TN: Bodegas Muga Rioja Prado Enea Gran Reserva 1996

Bodegas Muga Rioja Prado Enea Gran Reserva 1996

FIrst of all, many thanks to Noel, Marc, Greg and Harry for advice re decanting!

C: Brownish red, medium dark, no bricking.
N: Strong, leather notes.
P: A beautiful wine! Smooth, integrated, very good length. Light to medium weight, Burgundy like (but this does it an injustice, just my excuse for not knowing Riojas–it’s not a Burg and shouldn’t try to be, rather its own thing). Notes of red fruit. Lovely floating mouthfeel. Very food friendly. Some left in bottle was just as good on the second day. The only downside I found is a slightly thin finish. 13.5%.

Forgot to mention that I sampled this several hours before drinking. It didn’t need any air, could have popped and poured.