TN: Bedrock Zin SodiniVnyd '12...(short/boring)

Tried this w/ friends out in Venice last weekend:

  1. BedrockWineCo Zin SodiniVnyd/RRV/SonomaCnty (14.8%; Planted in 1905 along LimerickLane; Drk:
    10/2014-10/2020: MTP) 2012
    : Dark color; very strong blackberry/raspberry/Zin/licorice very spicy quite dusty/OV some complex nose; rather tart strong dusty/OV intense blackberry/raspberry/Zin/very spicy/licorice light toasty/oak rather tannic/structured/hard flavor; very long/lingering quite dusty/OV very strong blackberry/raspberry/Zin/licorice light toasty/oak finish w/ some hard/rough tannins; needs more age; a classic Bedrock Zin at a great price. $32.00

A wee BP:

  1. When I drink a Bedrock Zin in the recreational mode (it’s my recreational drug of choice), you just shake your head in wonderment over how danged tasty they are. But they, in fact, have a lot of subtilties that are not at all obvious unless you taste a bunch of them side-by-side. If I didn’t have such a doofus of a palate, I suppose the Sodini terroir would whack me upside the head & I’d appreciate the wine more. But…danged…this is just such good drinking.
    Just ordered the Carlisle Sodini Zin today. Looking forward to trying them together. Sodini is located just across the road & west a ways from the Bilbro’s CollinsVnyd/LimerickLane. I believe Jake&Scot will be getting some Sodini in the future. The good news is that Jake sold some of the LimerickLane 1910 block to MikeOfficer starting in the 2012 vintage. Things are a-happenin’ there on LimerickLane these days.

Tom, your notes are far from “boring”. Thanks for the great post - can’t wait to break into the 2012s but given them a little more rest.

Had the 12’ ‘Old vine’ the other day when I opened the 11’ Syrah, Bedrock makes me a believer in Zin again, I’ve been turned off for a long time but these wines are stellar.

Love me some Bedrock Zin, but certainly do not overlook Carlisle Zin.

I would like to try them but they are not retail in my area nor are I on the list.

If I run across one local I certainly will give it a go!