TN: Bedrock Zin OldVines '14...(short/boring)

Tried this last night:

  1. Bedrock Zin Calif OldVines (14.4%; Avg.vine age > 80 yrs; Drk: 2016-2026: MTP) 2014: Med.dark color; strong raspberry/blackberry/DryCreekVlly Zin/some spicy fairly dusty/OV/bit earthy light toasty/pencilly/oak rather primary nose; lightly tart strong raspberry/blackberry/spicy Zin slight floral/insecticide fairly dusty/OV some pencilly/oak flavor w/ modest smooth tannins; very longraspberry/DCV Zin/spicy/blackberry fairly dusty/OV bit insecticide some pencilly/toasty/oak finish w/ light smooth tannins; still a bit on the rustic side w/ plenty of Zin fruit but showing some evolution and not developing into anything particularly interesting; much preferred the '18 I had last week, can’t see this making it out to 2026, though.

No BP today.

Appreciate the note and my impressions of the 2014 have been similar, a lesser vintage of Bedrock OVZ that comes off as slightly unbalanced vs. more “typical” vintages.