TN: ArbeGarbe SonomaCnty WW '14....(short/boring)

Tried this wine from the Archives w/ Susan Fri night:

  1. ArbeGarbe SonomaCnty WW (14%; 45% PaganiRanch Friuliano/35% Catie’sCorner MalvasiaBanca/25% Tanya’sVnyd RibollaGialla; 12-24 hrs skin contact) StHelena 2014: Med.dark gold color; very fragrnt floral/Friuliano/gardenias some Malvasia/muscatty/floral slight chalky/perfumed talc beautiful rich complex very aromatic nose; lightly tart/tangy very floral/Malvasia/bit muscatty very rich/lush slight chalky/perfumed talc bit Friuliano/carnations some complex lovely perfumed flavor; very long/lingering floral/perfumed rich/lush finish that follows flavor; a really lovely some complex WW that speaks more of Calif but has some suggestions of Friuli but w/o the minerality; has developed into a really lovely white & should go another 4-6 yrs.

More fikkerlikker from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. ArbeGarbe is the wnry on Letizia Pauletto and Enrico Maria Bertoz. They both were born & raised in Friuli before coming to the US. They produce wines that remind them of their Friulian roots. Consistently one of my favorite wines.