TN: An Italian White & Red....(short/boring)

Tried these two the other weekend w/ Susan:

  1. Due del Monte DOC: Collio Malvasia (13.5%; BenvenUSA/Sausalito) Cormons 2020: color; fairly strong Malvasia bit floral/muscatty some stony/mineral rather quiet complex bit spicy rather understated/pleasant nose; rather tart/tangy/bit metallic light Malvasia/muscatty/floral/spicy some stony/chalky slight hair-oil bit complex flavor; med.long light floral/Malvasia finish that tracks flavor; a rather stony/mineral Malvasia w/ not a really strong Malvasia character; a rather quiet/understated Malvasia but not that distinctive. $36.50 (KK)

  1. LaMiraja Dd’OCeG: Ruche di Castagnole Monferrato (14%; ThePiedmonteGuy/Shafer/MN) Eugenio Gatti/Castagnole Monferrato/Piemonte 2022: Very dark color; very strong very fragrant/perfumed/Ruche strawberry/black cherry some earthy/dusty/OV quite complex lovely perfumed nose; rather tart/tangy fairly rich/lush very strong Ruche/strawberry/cherry fairly dusty/OV slight earthy/dusty quite structured very intense Ruche flavor w/ ample/chewey tannins; very long/lingering Ruche finish that tracks the flavor; a beautiful intense strawberry/Ruche w/ great depth & structure; one of the best & most serious Ruches I can recall; needs 3-8 yrs yet; a serious expression of Ruche at a great price. $26.00 (KK)

More ristercost from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. The Due del Monte showed up here in NM a couple of weeks ago. The Friuliano was exceptional and the SauvBlanc quite good. I was expecting a lot of this Malvasia (one of my favorite varieties) but found it a bit too quiet & underperforming.
    Ruche is one of my facorite Piemontese varieties. Generally they are fairly light but quite aromatic. This is one of the best/serious rendition of Ruche I can recall.
    The PiedmontGuy is an importer that specializes in Piemonte wines. Everything I’ve had from him has been quite good. He has a very interesting portfolio & really knows what he’s doing. An outstanding importer.

Hey Tom, did anyone from The Piedmont Guy stop in or just purchased from a wine store.
I say this because in May the Idlewild Sunday School featured Cameron Abbot from TPG giving the bulk of the presentation with backing from Sam and Thomas.
Cameron did a great job of detailing the wines of Piedmont, the geology, elevation, micro climates etc, without getting in the weeds or too geeky.

All the wines showed very good to excellent and we wound up buying a bunch. We were very impressed with the quality of the wines. Here is what was shown and tasted. Be on the lookout for them. Sorry for the quality of the photo, my wife took it.

We have a new distributor here in NM, Muse Wines, who is bringing in the Piedmont Guy wines. Micaela doesn’t know Italian wines that well, so her coverage from their portfolio has been a bit spotty.
She has brought in the Mandirola, which is probably the best Timo here in NM. And also the Ruche as well. Which is world-class Ruche.
I’ve been in regular e-mail contact w/ Cameron & seeing what else we can get in here.
What did Cameron think about Sam’s Timo??

He liked it a lot and talked quite a bit about it when we were tasting the first two Timorasso from his portfolio. Excellent presentation and tasting.
