TN: A Viognier/PinotNoir/ViniMacerati...(short/boring)

Tried these w/ Susan over the weekend:

  1. CedarvilleVnyds {Viognier} ElDorado (14.1%; EB; 180 cs) Jonathan&SusanLachs/Fairplay 2021: Light gold color; lovely really perfumed/Viog/pear/peach/floral/carnations spicy/nutmeg light earthy/chalky bit smoked keilbasa some complex very attractive nose; lightly tart/tangy very floral/Viog/strong peach/pear/carnations lightly chalky/earthy bit smokey some complex flavor; very long/lingering bright/vibrant floral/carnations/Viog/pear/peach bit smokey finish; way far from DollyParton territory; lots of bright/vibrant Viog fruit but not at all vapid or lean; a lovely Viog. $26.00

  1. StHuberts TheStag PinotNoir CentralCoast (14.5%) StHuberts/Sonoma 2020: Med.dark color; strong cherry/black cherry/PN bit spicy/peppery/CentralCoast light toiasty/pencilly/oak fairly fragrant/perfumed nose; lightly tart fairly strong black cherry/cherry/PN some spicy/c-c/peppery fairly rich/lush flavor w/ light bitey tannins; very long/lingering strong black cherry/PN/cherry slight earthy/peppery/c-c fairly rich/lush some toasty/oak finish w/ light tangy tannins; not a profound PN but quite nice for the price. $18.50 (KK)

  1. Axel Prufer Le temps des cerises La peur du rouge VdT Francais (12%; 80% Clairette/20% Chard; skin contact) Axel Prufer/le MasBlanc NV (2021): very cloudy color; rather appley/pear/floral some phenolic/VM/resiny earthy somewhat funky/natty/bit unclean rather strange nose w/ little fruit; quite tart slight appley/pear some VM/phenolic/skin-contact quite sour rather natty/unclean/mousey flavor w/ slight tannic bite; long slight appley/earthy light VM/phenolic/resiny quite funky/unclean/mousey quite sour finish w/ a dreadful wet dog fur aftertaste that ruins this wine; a dreadful example of a natural wine; way overpriced at $33.00 (KK)

More zittlesmark from TheBloodyPulpit:

  1. I’ve always like Jonathan & Susan Lach’s Viognier. This one has put on a bit of weight since I first had it last Nov right off the bus. And I expect it will improve more over the next few yrs.

  1. StHuberts: Spotted this new wine down at Kokomans on Fri that I didn’t recognize. It’s a label that was started in Australia yrs ago & is now owned (at least in the USofA) by Treasury Wine Estates. It’s quite a pleasant, nothing profound, Pinot at a very attractive price (at least most places…at Wine Online it’s bizarrely priced at $47.89).

  1. Axel Prufer is a champion of natural wine making. Originally from EastGermany, he started his in Estate about 2003 in the Languedoc. What was really bizarre about this wine is that nowhere on the btl was an importer listed. Never done did see’d that before.