TN: 78 Dujac Charmes and 88 Krug

friend’s birthday last night. Great dinner at Marché–Guinea hen w morels rocked with the wine. The two played off each other’s strengths. At peak and in no danger of falling off, gorgeous refined cherries with baking spices, hints of forest floor, very fresh and clean, youthful even, this was beautiful wine. Wonderful wine even–second time in a few months that I have been lucky enough to have this wine and both showings were wonderful.

88 Krug had lost a lot of bubbles and a lot of the acidity but was still wonderful and creamy with ripe lemon citrus. Bottle by bottle now and this one was very good but not transcendent.

78 Dujac Charmes is awesome. Also weirdly the only 78 Dujac I’ve had but on multiple occasions. Super fresh and young like you noted

Nice birthday wines Alan.

Guinea hen with morels and 78 Dujac Charmes sounds heavenly.

I have only had 78 Dujac Charmes once but it was amazing. As you mentioned one of the striking features is how clean and beautiful it is.

Thanks for the note!

I had a solid stash of 88 Krug, now down to just a few. Sounds like I should not be so reticent to open them.

Happy birthday

Both sound brilliant. Well done Alan.

The Dujac sounds wonderful. There is nothing like fully mature burgundy. Thanks for the notes.

My invitation got lost in the mail! Nice notes on some great wines! The Krug 88 is a special wine.

wasn’t my birthday–friend invited me. I have an 88 Krug w your name on it!

Maybe your invite was lost in the same place my Leflaive Montrachet invite was lost!

Much to my regret, I’ve never had the '78 Charmes, but it sounds like it actually might be showing more youthfully than the '78 Clos de la Roche. We tasted a couple of bottles of the latter with Jeremy around 13 months ago and his opinion, which I shared, was that now was a good time to drink up.