TN: 2020 Stefan Müller „Niedermenniger Herrenberg“ feinherb - a kick-ass Riesling for 12€

2020 Stefan Müller „Niedermenniger Herrenberg“ Riesling feinherb

"Was die Vinifikation des Rieslings angeht, bewahrt Müller die Tradition. Nach Ganztaubenpressung vergärt sein feinherber Riesling spontan und reift dann bis zur Füllung im Fuderfass auf der Vollhefe. Die Reben wurden hier 1966 und 1973 gepflanzt und wurzeln tief im Rotschieferboden der Niedermenniger Lage mit Südexposition."

The winemaker Stefan Müller is the master of feinherb (off-dry) Riesling. Such crisp, light-footed and with a tender sweetness. In addition equipped with an awesome fruit-acidity play and 9,5%. This PLAY makes the feinherb style so special and as a result you will get hedonistic drinking pleasure similar to Kabinett. Fair to say I had to stop after drinking half of the bottle, otherwise my doctor would get mad. BTW, such open from the get-go. In contrast a 2020 Krettnacher Euchariusberg feinherb from Stefan Müller was very(!) closed and opened just after 3 days.

Based on the few 2020s I tasted so far, I am very hopeful about Kabinett in 2020, as the acidity is such vibrating in this vintage. But we will find out in the coming weeks.

What a value for 12€



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Thanks for the note Martin. I too am excited for the feinherb and kabinett wines from the 2020 vintage.