TN: 2019 Fingers Crossed White

Don’t see too many notes about Fingers Crossed on here so I figured I’d post my experience from last night. Have never tried, nor expected to try, anything from Faethm / Fingers Crossed so it was a nice moment when Michael at High Treason poured me a generous glass. I’d walked in with a hankering to celebrate my first paycheck in a long while, with my spouse out of town no less, sat down and ordered a bottle of Cornas, he was wearing a shirt that read “it’s ok to drink a Rhone” (get it?), we got to chatting about wine, he happened to have this open, we traded glasses, it was all lovely serendipity, and before I knew it I was no longer drinking alone. Anyway, on to the note:

2019 Fingers Crossed White
Very kindly poured by Michael at High Treason, and it had been open for about 3 hours or so; opens as expected with a big fanfare of rich waxy fruit, but then, unexpectedly, is brought nicely into line by a sneaky acidity that freshens and uplifts everything - per Michael that’s the large Chardonnay component in this, in the high-teens; quintessentially American in how hard it works to have it both ways, and it absolutely comes off; there is a slight bitterness on the finish, which evokes NutraSweet, of all things; didn’t prevent me from enjoying the wine, and perhaps it will moderate with age; good plus with a question mark


thanks for the note!

Great note/story! I was damn impressed with the 18 Fingers Crossed white and am looking forward to the 19… although I’ll probably give it a year + before I check in. Thanks again for posting!

decanted in the fridge for a couple hours
great color
smooth chardonnay flavor yet with intriguing juicy fruit flavors
we all loved it

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