TN: 2014 Yvon Métras Moulin-à-Vent (France, Burgundy, Beaujolais, Moulin-à-Vent)

Metras = happiness. [cheers.gif]

  • 2014 Yvon Métras Moulin-à-Vent - France, Burgundy, Beaujolais, Moulin-à-Vent (10/2/2016)
    As with my bottle last spring, the wine shows slightly carbonic at first sip, it feels edgy and too wiry. After 30 mins, as the wine opens you get pure fresh fruit on the palate, like biting a fresh strawberry or raspberry. Juicy! But it’s also light and snappy and buffered by cool acid and coats with a coolness that I guess is the sense of minerality. Peppery and lively on the finish. Very cool, very tasty.

Posted from CellarTracker


Nice. I need to look for some of these. I like the vintage a lot.


Cool, I’ve loaded up on the '14s and just grabbed some '15 Fleurie VV but have not taken shipment. Love this producers. The 2013 basic bojo was wonderful, with a caveat: These wines are not for everyone. They are very distinct. My wife found them horrible.

I’ve tried two bottles of the Metras '14 Fleurie Printemps. The first was fabulous, just ideal Fleurie, super aromatic and lovely. The second was badly marred by Brett. Have not yet tried the MaV.

In what way? Not picking, just curious.
Once they open up, they are rather fruit forward and easy drinking. At least this MAV is.
I just scored some '15s as well. Looking forward to those.

The wines get bacterial, real quick. There may be some Brett, but that isn’t what puts me off them. Like many no sulfur wines, the nose is beautiful, fresh, floral with bright fruit - the initial attack is quite promising and than on the finish I get stale, garlic, onion, sweaty flavors that overwhelm and are quite unpleasant.

I’m 1 for 6 on Metras, and the one bottle that I enjoyed I did not find it revelatory.

I’d like to try these in France, Metras does not export the wines to the US. I’m sure those who gray market them do so carefully, but I think they are fragile and I have hit on the bottles that were damaged.

So many people love these wines, so I’m not saying my experience/opinion holds merit with the fans. I do however understand those that arent enamored with the wines.

I’ve stood these suckers up for months at a time and decant off the sediment and I start drinking them at cellar temp - 55 degrees. Both those things help, but I’ve had the wine turn within 20 minutes upon opening.

that’s the mouse…definitely a spoilage issue

Josh Raynolds expressed his concerns about the issues Gene mentions in his latest Bojo article at Vinous.

Could be true.

I purchased 5 bottles of 2009s and 2011s MAV about 2 years ago from a wine store in Jura. Drank 2 while still there, drank 2 back here in the US last year. All good bottles. Will see what’s up with the last bottle in the next week or so.

I’ve had both amazing and terrifying bottles. I think the thing I struggle with the most is this almost gel-like sediment that stays suspended in the wine of some bottles. To me those are the ones I worry about the most. They’ve got a bit of VA initially and then after a good shake in the decanter things start to shift to a more positive experience. I love this producer…but it’s getting harder & harder to justify the costs.

I have had a few bottles from 2010 & 2012, both M-a-V and simple Beaujolais. My problem with them is they are just too grapey, if that makes any sense.

I think this is valid. That would be my only criticism and I alluded to that above. Makes them very easy drinkers for some people.
Thanks for all the comments, folks. I’ve not had bad bottles of Metras, but I’ve only had a handful. and mostly 12 and 14

Mousy is a great way to describe it.

Vinegar or Nail Polish or both?

This is why I am not a buyer of these wines.

The heightened acid in the 2013s carry the day. Really dig the 2013s.

I’m not digging these going forward. Need more Debize.

A little of both…the nail polish blows off quite a bit in the decanter.

Thanks Kirk, I have a few left. It will be interesting to see if I find these aromas/flavors in my remaining bottles.

glad to read this thread–talked me out of searching.