TN: 2014 Once & Future Petite Sirah, Palisades Vineyard

Just outstanding PS from a legend of a winemaker and one of the ‘Premiere Cru’ Vineyards for the variety. While this will probably be at peak in 5+ years, I’m still blown away by how approachable it is currently. Medium+ bodied and more blue fruited vs. Black with only a slightly tannic finish. Just gushing with acidity (especially for a PS) and flat out delicious. Hats off to the one and only Joel Peterson yet again!


Sounds like it is time to check in on this!

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Thanks for the check in. I have not opened any of this bottling since an early look in 2016.

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Me too. I liked it a lot. My note includes “inky.”

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Yep, this is definitely worth checking in on now, especially if you have more than 1. Better days are probably still ahead…but it’s already drinking very well :cheers: