TN: 2014 H. Boillot Corton Charlemagne

young but wanted to try since the wife ordered white burgundy and Boillot is occasionally premoxed. Not this bottle. Started out quiet, took a little time to unfurl and then: wow. Really great soft layered texture, like drinking mercury. Very intense and concentrated citrus and minerals, steely like CC should be, acid that tightens up the whole package and drives it like a laser into and through the palate. Then it just fans out and hits every nook and cranny. Fireworks! Super wine.


Thanks for the note, and good to hear this is youthful. It feels like a coin toss opening Boillot sometimes, grr

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Had a great 3L of 2014 Puligny-Montrachet last weekend from them, too.

Little Willie from the mirror
Licked the mercury all off
Thinking in his childish error
It would cure his whooping cough.
At the funeral, Willie’s mother
Smartly said to Mrs. Brown,
“Twas a chilly day for Willie
When the mercury went down!”

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Yep, variable but when on they are wonderful.

Mercurial even ;)!