TN: 2014 Domaine Jean-Louis Chave Hermitage (France, Rhône, Northern Rhône, Hermitage)

2014 Domaine Jean-Louis Chave Hermitage - France, Rhône, Northern Rhône, Hermitage (2/18/2021)
Next to the Cayuse [2018 En Chamberlin], the restraint here is evident, but while the fruit isn’t anywhere as exuberant as the Cayuse, there is just as much material here, diversified between the fruit, bacon fat, and olive elements. A little reduced. This doesn’t quite have the same intensity and weight as the brilliant 2015 or 2016, and in fact has a coolness that reminds me a bit of the enchanting 2004. Minerally and bright, with fruit that sits more on the red side of the spectrum. While this is too young to hit a peak like the 2004, I feel optimistic this will evolve into something like that. Chave is truly the King of the Hill. (93 pts.)


Nice note. The vintage 2014 in the Northern Rhone is lost a little amidst the apparently excellent vintages 2013, 2015, and 2016, but I have found the quality to be pretty high in general. I’m not surprised Chave pulled it off - and if the 2014 ends up like 2004…

I’m a big fan of ‘14 in N Rhone. And 2011. Lots of great vintages in the past decade.


Had yet another 2011 Gonon earlier this week, really fine stuff. The 2014 Juge is smokin. Prefer it to the 2015.

Have not tried the Chave, but appears worth seeking out, which is sorta expected I guess.

We picked up a bottle of this on our honeymoon in Quebec City…Looking forward to checking in on this on our 20th anniversary in 2039.

Fingers crossed. Of the last 20 or so releases, the 2004 is my favourite Chave for drinking right now.

2014 was also the last Rhone vintage before the massive price spikes, and it was easily available to boot. Gotta love “off” vintages.

Even the lowly 2002 vintage of Chave is worth seeking out (though it’s been 6 years since I had it). Not only exceeds the vintage, but is an excellent wine in its own right.

It’s still really good. Chave must be one of the very best wines to buy in all vintages. I love the 1987, 1992 and 2002, all pretty much throw-away vintages otherwise.

Indeed. There have been some good buys in 2014 - I’ve picked up Faurie Hermitage and Sorrel Greal each for under $100.

+1 to the 2002. This is the wine that first turned me on to the N Rhone. Had a great bottle last year