TN: 2013 Arnot-Roberts Trousseau North Coast (USA, California, North Coast)

  • 2013 Arnot-Roberts Trousseau North Coast - USA, California, North Coast (11/9/2014)
    Love Jura Trousseau…this is my first domestic one. Impressed!! Has that transparent cloudy dark rose’ color…wonderful fresh wild red berries…strawberry, raspberry, pomegranate, rhubarb…pretty potpourri, rose florals…as well as cinnamon, dried orange rind spice. Earth tones of tilled strawberry patch…firm mineral structure, but much softer than the huge stony mineral crunch of a Jura. Super balanced mouthfeel…absolutely ZERO martini vodka-like alc fume you usually see in Rose’. 12.1 alc…nice! Love it!!! (93 pts.)

Posted from CellarTracker

Came so close to opening this bottle today man. Weather turned cold and we went Syrah.

Been SO nice here Doc…high 70’s…still Rose’ weather! But Syrah gets cracked too!

I tasted this at the AR open house on Saturday, I really liked it, so pure and fresh. The Trout Gulch Pinot really stole the show though.

Got to the pickup counter just in time to grab the last bottle!

cool note - my bottles arrive tomorrow!

I eyed one too, but went with CdP. Great to see a good TN.

Yup, I found the same briny salinity/minerality in the Trout Gulch Pinot as in the Trout Gulch Chardonnay. Definitely some terroir there, though I wouldn’t be surprised if its from the sea breeze onto to the grapes. Duncan mentioned the unobstructured winds off the ocean onto the vineyard.

Can’t wait to try the Trout Gulch wines as well!!

Any other domestic producers of Trousseau? Also…someone said Trousseau grape is slowly being replaced by chard and Pinot in Jura? True? Damn shame if so!

Sandlands on our shores Buzz.

Harrington does a Trousseau - had the 2013 last night and fell in love.
Wish I could find some fruit for sale . . .
Best, Jim

Copain also does a Trousseau.

used CT to see who’s currently making domestic Trousseau (used the 2012 vintage to narrow my search to “current” producers):


Wind Gap (highly recommended!)
Two Shepherds

Hunt around and you might just find some of this hitting retail right now. Just a suggestion.

K&L just got this and some other A-R wines in.

Planning on trying this later in the week. I will be my first experience with Trousseau. I only grabbed 2 bottles because is wasnt sure if I would like it so its good to know K&L has more if needed.

Opening this bottle tomorrow night with friends. Cheese app-likely comte and truffle triple cream brie and Cajun shrimp for dinner. Any suggestions for prepping the wine? Would ppl suggest a long decant or opening tonight/tomorrow am and slow ox? Im thinking about serving it after dinner. Other wines planned are '04 Taittinger cdc (apps) and '09 DD silex (Cajun shrimp). Does this order seem like it will flow well or should I maybe serve it after dinner with bitter chocolate.

I haven’t tried the '13 yet but from my experience with the '12, these are very easy drinkers and will not need much air to show their stuff.

As to the pairing, I would put it with the Comte…we are talking Jura after all. this is a light and perfumed wine; it tilts quite a bit towards the strawberry you find in a rose or cru Beaujolais. My pairings have been salmon w/capers and pasta with pink sauce.

Thanks for the help Joe.

The wine opens very floral (at least the 11 and 12 did) and needs an hour or two of air to get the palate right while letting the nose fade just a hair.