TN: 2010 Comm. G.B. Burlotto Barolo Monvigliero (Italy, Piedmont, Langhe, Barolo)

  • 2010 Comm. G.B. Burlotto Barolo Monvigliero - Italy, Piedmont, Langhe, Barolo (4/25/2014)
    After the Acclivi, we taste the Monvigliero, and while the color is typical (i.e. what I’d expect at this stage), the nose if off the charts. Really, this is (somehow?) up another two (full) notches from the intensity of aromas we just saw in the Acclivi. This opens with strawberries and cream, then toward rich red berries, then toward spices, rosewater and finally a touch of truffles…before it circles back again. The structure here is of the caliber that few wines ever possess; this no doubt destined for very lofty scores and years and years of accolades. Deeply persistent, this gains even more intensity on the nose and palate by the end of the first glass, some 15 minutes into it. 14,5% abv, and very highly recommended. Give this another 6 years in bottle, then drink for up to 35 more after that. Greatness, in a bottle.

served non-blind; tasted at the winery with winemaker Fabio Alessandria

This is torture. You tell me how great it is, then to wait for years. It is going to take serious will power for me to wait.

Thank you for the great note.

I suppose if you were in Italy earlier in the year you could have enjoyed this before it closed down…

You know, Robert, Fabio didn’t like the way the first bottle showed. He insisted upon opening a new one. The one that inspired this note was only open an hour. And, it was only 9 weeks ago, this should be fine. Crack one if you’ve got multiple bottles and HAVE to know.

I will open one this year; I plan on removing the cork first thing in the morning and aerating to decanter for 1 hour before dinner.

Was toying with the idea of a 24 hour decant at cellar temp with one of these young 2010 just for kicks. May try it out next week.

We just tried a bottle of the 2010 and thought it was very refined. I was kind of expecting it to be bigger based on what I’ve been hearing about the 2010s but this did not disappoint. Definite buy for me.

On a side note, we did a tasting with Fabio a few years back at the winery and it was a… well… strange experience. The wandering eye thing just messed with my head. Cool dude though. Great wines.