TN: 2009 Marcel Lapierre Morgon (France, Burgundy, Beaujolais, Morgon)

2009 Marcel Lapierre Morgon - France, Burgundy, Beaujolais, Morgon (12/2/2023)
Pnp. Electric crimson. Singing from the get go. A perfect place. Nice tart cherries, clove and other baking spices. A bit of sous bois, foresty underbrush. So glad to have enjoyed this wine’s evolution. I have one bottle left.


Sounds good. When are you planning to drink the last one?

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Next year maybe. I have some Brun & Foillard Morgon left that would make a cool flight.

Nice. Sounds like time to pull one of these. I hope mine are as good as yours. I’m still waiting for ‘09 Bruns to show any maturity.

I’m sitting on a fair amount of 09 Cru Bojo including some Lapierre, so thanks for the note. I think these will go for more time and im interested in seeing how they change.

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Other than the occasional ones by Métras, never purchased cru Beaujolais in enough quantity that were meant for cellaring. But bought and cellared this + a few others when I got caught up in the 2009 vintage hype. Glad I did. The 2009 Foillard Côte du Py was so good 3 years ago.

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Appreciate the note, I have a half a case somewhere plus a bunch of other bottles 09’s. Also I think of a few of the non-sulfur which I’m afraid to think about now lol

I’ve never been sure whether that was a wise decision or not but your note leaves me hopeful.
Nice to hear you had a good experience :cheers:

I’m still sitting on Roilette, wish I had held on to more, but they were so damn tasty!

I’ve got a mag of the 12 Metras Fleurie that has your name on it.

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Glad to hear this is still showing well as I have couple more left. Anyone had '06 recently by any chance?

Have 2009 and 2011 Metras sitting in the remote storage. Should round-up a few others and drink something when you plan on jetting here.

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Is this the “S” or the “N” cuvee (should be written on the back label). S = with sulfites, N = no sulfites. Weirdly, I have had better (recent) experiences with the N than with the S…

N is always better if you can find them.

I believe this was the bottle with SO2.

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This sounds somewhat dogmatic. Always better at any age? I believe the SO2 additions are rather low for this bottling. Having tried both wines, I usually find the N drinks better younger than the S bottling. I have not aged the N.

I’m the importer for Lapierre in Panama.

It was interesting to taste 2010-2020 N and S together side by side in their cellars. On the young side for some reason Mathieu said that the sulfured version always showed better. It was much more open, and aromatic versus the non sulfured version. He poured these blind so I had no idea which was which.

After 5 to 8 years they started to inverse with the non sulfured version being more open and pure. He also said shipping the wines around the world changes them a bit, so results may vary from place to place.


“N is always better if you can find them.”

Only if they’ve been consistently well cellared. I’ve seen the comparison at the domaine, where your statement holds true. Out in the world, all bets are off. If you can’t rely on the provenance, then the S bottling is a much safer wager.

Obviously my statement about N being always better presupposes good provenance. What I meant was when they are on, N is so much more interesting than S.

Super interesting, thanks.
Glad the observations were done blind.