2007 Orin Swift, The Prisoner - Last year I experienced this wine for the first time and I enjoyed it for what it was. But this year the wine confuses me as it is trying to be a Cab and its trying to be a Zin, but doesn’t do either very well. A rather simple blend at best. I googled wine pairings for BBQ rib’s as I was eating leftovers from last nights Big Rib Dig and Bordeaux night at Serge’s. It seemed the general consensus was a Zin would be paired best with BBQ ribs. Since I don’t own any Zin’s because I really am not a Zin fan at all, the closest thing I had was this wine. While it did prove acceptable with the ribs, this wine doesn’t really have a personality, if you know what I mean. It was not inspiring and there was no fireworks, no oomph, no panache. It simply was there and it went with the food. Maybe that’s what this wine is supposed to do in the first place. Nose has a sweetness to it, mid palate was rather one dimensional and not very inspiring. The finish was gone before it started…my wife somewhat enjoyed it, so I will place it in her “section” of the cellar, so when she has friends over, she can open em up and enjoy the few bottles we still have.
Haven’t had the 2007, but your note describes my feelings towards “The Prisoner” exactly. I’ve never understood the fuss, and feel you can find more much enjoyable bottles of a similar style for a fraction of the price.
Thanks for sharing.