TN: 2007 André Brégeon Muscadet de Sèvre-et-Maine Sur Lie

  • 2007 André Brégeon Muscadet de Sèvre-et-Maine Sur Lie - France, Loire Valley, Pays Nantais, Muscadet de Sèvre-et-Maine (6/8/2009)
    The first night saw this fairly round and lacking the balanced cut I love from Muscadet. The 2nd night sees this flattening out a bit. Slatey nose with some grassy notes and a touch of white pepper over lemon. Tart lemony palate than leans to bitter towards the finish. Big entry and finish leaving a somewhat watery midpalate and some slight veggie notes. This seemed to have some Sauv Blanc like characters. Not one of the better Muscadets I’ve had. Plenty of better out there.

Posted from CellarTracker

Aaagh well, next bottle will be better!!

just had one of these and like you i found it a near miss. couldn’t quite put my finger on what i didn’t like. sadly have 5 bottles left but only paid like $13/btl out the door with the wine.

hoping a good pairing and warmer weather will help?

Glenn, I’m sure it would be fine as a cool dinner wine but as a Muscadet it was a nice Bordeaux blanc. :wink: The roundness on day one was odd also. Most Muscadet I’ve had from 07 has been lean and minerally. Maybe this house treats their wines differently?

i really dig White Bordeaux Cris but just didn’t like this 1st bottle. temps here end of the week will be in the 90’s so i will have opportunity to try this again real soon!

tried another one of these the past 2 nights. still round, rotund for Muscadet actually, but more salinity and sea-side definitely noted. nice with scallops last night and ok with the 1st 2 innings tonight.