TN: 2005 Domaine Huet, Le Mont, Demi-Sec

2005 Domaine Huet, Le Mont, Demi-Sec. Everytime I pop one of these I literally think the same exact thing. ‘Man, I freaking love Huet’. Super fresh bottle with no signs of oxidation and a beautiful light straw color. Just classic Huet chenin on the nose and palate with ripe orchard fruits dipped in honey and lightly rolled in wool. I’m pretty sure it would be physically impossible not to love this wine. 3 bottles left and I’m in no hurry based on this one.


I am no Chenin fan, but when Huet is on it’s amazing.

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I’m telling ya - even you would like this one i think, ha!

I am sure I would, though I have experienced a ton of premoxed 2005 Huet (and Chidaine).

Ive gotten really lucky with the batch of 05 Huets i bought. Not gonna jinx myself…but ive gotten very lucky :slight_smile:

I had cases of these, purchased on release, and had my first bottle of it a year later. It was wretched. Seemingly no acidity, tons of baby fat, no complexity. I was on the verge of giving them away and Brad Kane convinced me not to, said all it needed was age, I didn’t believe him. Didn’t think the wine was going to suddenly develop acidity, but by 15 years of age, while maybe a little softer than I would prefer, this was a remarkable wine and I went through all of those bottles in short order. I have one left, and it’s almost too precious to open. Glad to hear (Though not surprised) it’s still drinking well.


Thats awesome Scott! I never tried this wine shortly after release, but i love that it turned such a sharp corner for the better! I hope that last bottle really shines when you finally decide to open it! Cheers!

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