TN: 2004 Closa Batllet - Priorat (Spain, Catalunya, Priorat)

2004 Celler Marc Ripoll Sans Priorat Closa Batllet - Spain, Catalunya, Priorat (8/27/2016)
– decanted one hour before initial taste; decanted immediately before initial taste –
– tasted non-blind over 3 hours –

NOSE: raspberry; lots of strong mineral aromas; dark red berries; expressive, and pleasant.

BODY: black-garnet color of great depth with slight bricking throughout; medium to medium-full bodied.

TASTE: oak is noticeable, but just barely — not too much; loganberry; boysenberry; hints of mineral and leather; relaxed, but still mostly primary; tannins are resolved; medium-low to medium acidity; alc. is a touch noticeable (14.5% labelled); overall, quite good, but a bit fruitier/riper than I’d prefer. Drink now and over the next 5 years.

50, 5, 12, 17, 8 = (92 pts.)

Thanks again for your tasting note, Brian!

The generosity of fruit in this Priorat red at ~12 years of age is surprising; then again, so is the subtlety of the mineral and leather notes!

Most of the wines from Priorat that I have enjoyed have delivered a much stronger presentation of stony, earthy tones.

Do you mind sharing what you paid for this one?

My experience with Priorat is somewhat limited (despite a two day trip to the region a few years back), but the experience I do have has me concluding that this is '04 Batllet is relatively dialed-back for the appellation. Most Priorats I’ve had have been full of very ripe, lush fruit.

I bought a couple bottles in 2008 for $38; then 3 more in 2010 for $26. One bottle remains.

How the hell do you pronounce “Batllet?” There are some really trippy wine names in Priorat.



Agree with your note !! Cheers !!