TN: 2004 Bodegas El Nido Jumilla Clio (Spain, Murcia, Jumilla)

  • 2004 Bodegas El Nido Jumilla Clio - Spain, Murcia, Jumilla (4/6/2011)
    This wine was - if possible - better than our last bottle. A beautiful nose of toasted oak, black fruit and a hint of rose (?). It had an incredibly body with layers of fruit intermixed with the oak. It was never overdone, but a tremendous mix of blackberries, plums, blueberries, and sweet quince. A knockout finish that just went on forever. A definite New World wine and not for everybody. We had this with homemade vegetable soup, chicken enchiladas, and a smiled Gouda salad. (97 pts.)

Posted from CellarTracker

My favorite Clio so far.

Want to buy my 2 bottles? Properly cellared since release. PM me. Make an offer.

Haven’t popped one of these in two years, but just happen to have one in the house ready to go for this weekend. Last one was outstanding, and hoping for a similar experience to yours. BTW, purchased my bottles via Commerce Corner two+ years ago from someone like Daniel. May not be for everyone, but certainly a favorite for me!

Cheers, [cheers.gif]


Finally got to the bottle I mentioned above. Had it in the house the past two months, but kept passing it by for others each time I pulled a bottle. Figured it was time to get to it after I saw this thread. Popped and poured on Saturday night, then enjoyed as an evening sipper without food over three nights (and as I am typing this). I really love this wine! Enjoyed my first bottle two years ago, and this one is even better. The oak is well integrated, but just a tad past centerline for me. Still, lovely blue/black fruit, some licorice and espresso, extremely smooth, and wonderfully full and long finish as TMac describes. Glad I have one left and hope to be able to keep my hands off for another two years or so to see if the oak recedes a bit more. Overall, an easy “A” bottle. I may have to take Daniel up on his offer.

Cheers, [cheers.gif]


I’m not going anywhere.

Had a bottle of the 08 with dinner on Saturday night with some good friends visiting. Interesting wine - and one that I would find most would be hard pressed to note that Mourvedre comprises 70% of the blend. As my friend noted, the wine would be well liked by his father in law, who LOVES ‘new world’ cabs . . .

My guess is that more of the character of the varieties will show once the oak wears off - in about 15 years or so (-: Of course, as with all things wine, YMMV.
