TN: 2001 Arcadian Pinot Noir Garys' Vineyard (USA, California, Central Coast, Monterey)

  • 2001 Arcadian Pinot Noir Garys’ Vineyard - USA, California, Central Coast, Monterey (6/11/2021)
    Beautiful smooth strawberry accented wine. Second time I’ve opened this blind for friends and second time everyone guessed Burgundy. Still probably my favorite Arcadian wine.

Posted from CellarTracker

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I have such fond memories of this wine. Toss up for me between ‘01 Garys’, '01 Sleepy Hollow, and '99 Pisoni as my favorite Arcadians. Can’t go wrong with any of them. Glad to hear the ‘01 Garys’ is still magic. Thanks for the note. [cheers.gif]

Great wine, and one that provided one of my most humbling blind tasting moments (tasted in 2011; called it an aged CdP – I thought a '98. Talk about off-base!). LOL!

Timely note….I have this bottle in the “on-deck circle” for tomorrow. You have me even more excited now…

I loved this wine when you first poured it blind for me at Braeburn? I thought it was burgundy

Jay do you like the Syrah’s? Top five for me in the US!

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I opened a 2005 max tonight, I loved it but other people at the table weren’t
as fond

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Love that wine. More for you!!!