TN- 2000 Pernot, 2006 Meo-Camuzet, 2009 Roilette, 1971 Drouhin

It’s been a couple of good weeks with some pretty damn fine wines, both young and old. This culminated in a simple roast chicken dinner with an amazing bottle of birth-year wine, the 1971 Drouhin, that was delicious.

-2000 Paul Pernot Bienvenues-Batard Montrachet
DAMN IT. Premox’d. That’s it, I am not buying any more white Burgs that need ageing. This should have been a fantastic bottle, the last one I had was stunning. Now… [soap.gif] [swearing.gif]

-2006 Meo-Camuzet Bourgogne Rouge
I’ve had a few of these in the past 2 years, and the change in the wine has been pretty interesting. At first, it was lean but smelled great, and after a few days it would flesh out nicely. Now, it’s showing fleshy and dark, with a hint of musk, earthy and minerally aspects backed up by bright acidity. After a day, it rounded out even more, softening the acidity and showing promise for the future. I’ll hold my remaining bottles, if I can…

-2009 Clos de la Roilette Fleurie
Right off, bright, flowery, slightly sweet red grapey fruit, with a core of minerals and ending in a crisp, crunchy medium finish. As it sat and opened up, it too fleshed out, while keeping the same aspects but with a softer, more accessible touch. A great wine with structure to last a few years. Delicious.

-1971 Drouhin Vosne Romanee les Suchots
Aaaaaah… flirtysmile
I haven’t had an older Burg, let alone a birth-year Burg, in a long time, so this was a special treat for my birthday and I have Kevin Wagner to thank for that. This is the kind of wine that gives me goose-bumps but that I don’t see enough of. We popped and poured this, and I think it was the right thing to do. I couldn’t keep my nose out of the glass, all I wanted to do was enjoy, no, bask, no, revel in the smells emanating from the wine. Beautiful funky aromatics, with sous-bois, soft, sweet red fruit, and a velvety, smooth mouthfeel that just caressed the palate. The back was slightly sour, but the front and mid-palate were just gorgeous, a real wine of class and elegance, with a hint of Vosne spice and a finish that was really haunting. Just thinking about it I’m getting goose-bumps. Gorgeous, and a very generous gift.
Cheers! [berserker.gif]

Too bad on the Pernot. His wines for me have seemed to be less affected than some. I even had a nice 1996 Pucelles last year.

I’m getting goose bumps as well. I really regret not buying more Drouhin over the last few years. Thanks for the great notes.

Happy birthday Michel!

I feel for you with the oxidised Pernot, when on song they are ravishingly beauteous and ooze with sophisticated style. I’ve always found Pernot wines to have a hint of reductive quality when fresh so I wouldn’t have expected many to be oxidised - the perils of cork enclosures showing, perhaps.

That Clos de la Roilette is as lewdly enjoyable as Beaujolais gets, eh?

Here’s to many more such divinely lubricated birthdays in the future!


Any more insight on agebility?

Happy Birthday…Cubans all around!

The Roilette was the basic Fleurie cuvee, NOT the Cuvee Tardive. Still, it had the structure to last, but the price makes me want to grab it for an easy quaffer ($19.99 delivered). I’d give it an easy 3-5 more years, maybe longer. BUT, my experience with aged Bojo is (unfortunately) rather limited. I’ve had some delicious 1996 Brouilly from the one I rep, and some older ones at restaurants, but no older Fleuries yet. So YMMV.

And yes, sigh… when the Pernot BBM is on, it’s ON. Last bottle I shared with Chet Kern several years ago was stunning, absolutely mind-bendingly, knee-weakingly, breath-takingly, soul-searchingly stunning. Sigh.

The surprise for me was the 2006 Meo Bourgogne Rouge, it’s really fleshed out over the past 12 months and was shockingly delicious. Then again, I’m a fan of 2006 reds, so there you go.

And MAN was that 1971 fantastic. I’m getting goose-bumps just thinking about it.
Cheers! [berserker.gif]