TN: 2000 Dauvissat La Forest Chablis

Enjoyed an amazing bottle of 2000 Dauvissat La Forest Chablis last night. Light straw in color, the wine had an intense oyster shell and floral nose. On the palate, a powerful, oily citrus wine with perfect acidity, distinct minerality, and exceptional balance. An elegant complex wine that had a full mouthfeel without being too heavy. The long pine nut, lemon, stony finish was highly appealing!

Have to say, one of the best Chablis I have had to date (ahead of quite a few PC and GC Raveneau). Was not sure what to expect prior to opening, turned out to be a wow wine that drank consistent over the span of 3+ hours! Sadly, my only bottle.

I feel Dauvissat is the premier producer of Chablis. I also love Rav. but feel they are out on their own a little.

I really love that vintage of that wine too, year in and out one of my favorites, but I think the '00 really nailed it. Thanks for the update on where it is; I think I only have 2 left so very good to know.


This sounds very similar to the 2005 I had the other night (TN posted: Last Tango in Paris (Champagne, Chablis, Rhone) - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers" onclick=";return false;). I hadn’t had a Dauvissat in a while and it reminded me that I needed to change that ASAP.


Thanks for the note. I don’t have any, but I have just been told I’ll be having a bottle with dinner this Saturday. It should be a treat!