TN: 2 whites, Bouchard CC and Clos Ste. Hune

wife wanted killer white Burgundy. She got it. 07 Bouchard Corton Charlemagne. The texture is amazing, so soft and layered like a thick down comforter. Super white burgundy with citrus and white flowers, in the zone.

I wanted Clos Ste. Hune. I often see it miswritten as St. Hune. But feminine for Saint is Sainte, and the abbreviation is therefore Ste.

Who was Sainte Hune? Read the following—for English, go to the end though the two versions read differently. ICONOGRAPHIE CHRÉTIENNE: Sainte HUNE (HUNNA) de STRASBOURG, vierge et religieuse

As for the wine, 2001 CSH, it’s fabulous. Bursting with apricot and honey, it’s thicker than the FE, and it is certainly at its apogee. A little fatter than the FE, the length is awesome, fruit delicious, and oh so dry. Lovely.

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Hell yeah Doc! Nice to actually see a CSH deliver all the goods! What did you eat with them?

Sorry, what is ‘FE’? That wine sounds nice.

Cuvee Frederic Emile