TN: 1999 Soldera Brunello di Montalcino Case Basse

What a great wine. Intense nose, with red fruits and spices, compact in the mouth, multi layered and very precise. No heavy weight but rather elegant, very long. Delivers strongly over the whole tasting spectre, from nose to tail. One could criticise the slightly drying tannins, but this is Sangiovese, after all.

Nice…this is what I was hoping that fellow would get for him and his wife to try.

love Soldera. Drying tannins not silky tannins? How long did you open the bottle or was it pop and pour?

Suzanne, the bottle was opened a couple of hours in advance and then enjoyed over dinner. I wouldn’t describe the tannins silky in the sense of a polished wine e.g. from Pomerol. They were as I noted still present, but very fine, in a good and typical way. I think that smoothing the edges of Sangiovese for a more polished appearance reduces its ability to age well. For instance, Palmucci of Poggio di Sotto followed a very similar approach of winemaking as did Soldera, but without working the must as heavy as does/did Soldera. I the few tastings I had the opportunity comparing the two, I always found Palmucci’s wines less structured and more approachable in their youth, but loosing their energy with age. Too bad we won’t be able to compare current wines due to the loss of Solderas wines.

thanks for your note.