TN: 1996 Pichon Lalande

I picked this bottle up locally in a shop that I hardly ever go into for $110 yesterday.

Decanted foe 1.5 hours.

Right from the first sip I new I screwed up…it needed at least another hour plus in the decanter. So after a 2.5 hour decant it started to open up and it only got better throughout the night.

A big fantastic nose of black fruit, palate was full and layered with tobacco, ceder, cassias and a little liquorish. Outside of the 82 PLL the 96 is my second favorite. 94-96 points.

Share your impression, absolutely fantastic wine.

its been about a year since i had this wine, but yeah…it took an hour or two to open up and then was great.

$110 in Telluride? Wow.

that’s an absolute steal of a price for that. thanks for the notes, I love this wine

At that one store we didn’t go into at the other end of town.

We had one of these not long ago, it was really great . Then it was followed up by a couple Ghost Horse, they were great too !