TN: 1994 Thomas Pinot Noir Dundee Hills (Oregon, Williamette Valley)

In the cataegory of a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then . . .

Our youngest daughter was invited to a birthday party/sleep over this evening, so my wife and I were sans kids. After debating whether to just go home and enjoy a bottle of wine at home with carry-out or go out to dinner, we decided to stop at a relatively new wine bar/restaurant about 15 minutes from our house. There was about a 20 minute wait when we arrived, so I started browsing through the racks, in order to see what types of wine that they had available. When I got to the ‘library’ rack, I was pleasently surprised to see older selections of Ridge and Chateau Montelena and then I saw it . . . 1994 Thomas Pinot Noir. Are you kidding me?!? [wow.gif] SOLD, without question.

I can be – fairly – criticized for being consumed in the excitement of finding this wine and consuming it with a fantastic dinner and my lovely bride of 24 years; however, this goes in my Top 5 Oregon Pinot List, hands down, no questions asked.

Good fill level. The capsule spun freely. The cork was 3/4 saturated and the bottom part fell into the wine, when the waiter opened the bottle, so the bottle was strained/decanted. Medium translucent red and virtually no bricking at all. Bright red fruited nose, with sois bois mushrooms and a touch of Asian spice. Silkey palate buttressed with lively acidity and a fine lingering finish. Wow. This is a 16 year old Pinot?

Needless to say, all of the remaining bottles on the rack, now have a new home. Daddy’s happy and life is good on this Saturday night. [cheers.gif]

NICE find!!! Good on you and I can totally relate to this kind of experience makig an already great bottle of wine even better.

I am VERY JEALOUS!!! Sounds like a perfect evening.
Any chance you could be coerced into coming to IPNC next year with one???

Good on you Greg. Motivation enough to let your others sleep 15 years from vintage?


If I am able to attend, I would be happy to bring one!

Some (maybe a good percentage) of them, yes. However, it can be enjoyable to check on the kids every 5 years or so.

Awesome. Congrats.