TN: 1994 Leoville Las Cases

First opened bottle which was cellared since release. I tend to like 94 Bordeaux more than most and feel they needed time for the tannin to resolve.

Medium intensity nose of black currant and charcoal. Light to medium bodied with resolved tannin. More mineral than earth with black fruit. Good acidity and a medium to long finish. A solid LLC more about finesse than power, and probably will not improve with further cellaring.

Thanks Glenn,
I’ve got a few and will pop a cork soon. [cheers.gif]

Me too.

I haven’t had this on a couple of years but it was delicious last time I had it… not a blockbuster, but a really good wine that’s right up my alley. Love 97’ too…

We drank my first bottle of six last December along with 94 LMHB and Latour. I was very happy with it. I don’t think there is any hurry to drink top 94s. They’ll never be great but I like them.

To my ear, it sounds like you guys are describing a $25 to $45 bottle of wine.

But this is the insanity of the market in 2018:

If bought after release its not a terrible QPR. If bought in todays market – OMG.

The descriptors above are in line with my experiences with this wine, too. But, I also agree with the complete disconnect with current pricing.

Well, it depends … obviously …

I had this about 6 weeks ago from my (quite cool) cellar … it´s in a state of earlier maturity, but still quite saturated and dark, and still with good tannic bite … it can be drunk now with pleasure, very good 1994 left banker … but when a bottle has been stored quite cool (like mine) there is absolutely no hurry … I´d say my others bottles can still develope for another 5+ years …

Purchased en primeur and in my cellar for 21 years … I wouldn´t buy it at current prices … but that way it´s absolutely ok …